BroCo Investments Inc.

Account: 638392 Name: 123 Currency: USD 2010 November 25, 10:09
Closed Transactions:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PClose Time PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
198102242010.01.04 20:59sell0.10eurusd1.44100.00000.00002010.06.30 13:121.22950.000.00-64.372 115.00
198102282010.01.04 20:59sell0.10gbpusd1.60950.00000.00002010.06.30 13:121.50310.000.00-36.991 064.00
198102962010.01.04 21:01buy0.10xag17.4910.0000.0002010.06.30 13:1218.7320.000.00-27.35620.50
238510842010.07.01 08:51sell0.10audusd0.83590.00000.00002010.10.01 21:220.97290.000.00-98.45-1 370.00
238511232010.07.01 08:53buy0.10gbpusd1.49090.00000.00002010.10.01 21:221.58280.000.000.00919.00
238511352010.07.01 08:54sell0.10usdchf1.07540.00000.00002010.10.01 21:220.97540.000.00-6.171 025.22
  0.00 0.00 -233.33 4 373.72
Closed P/L: 4 140.39
Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / P  PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
No transactions
  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
 Floating P/L: 0.00
Working Orders:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PMarket Price 
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: 4 140.39 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00
Balance: 9 655.12 Equity: 9 655.12 Free Margin: 9 655.12
Gross Profit: 5 608.84 Gross Loss: 1 468.45 Total Net Profit: 4 140.39
Profit Factor: 3.82 Expected Payoff: 690.07  
Absolute Drawdown: 0.00 Maximal Drawdown: 1 468.45 (15.99%) Relative Drawdown: 15.99% (1 468.45)
Total Trades: 6 Short Positions (won %): 4 (75.00%) Long Positions (won %): 2 (100.00%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 5 (83.33%) Loss trades (% of total): 1 (16.67%)
Largest profit trade: 2 050.63 loss trade: -1 468.45
Average profit trade: 1 121.77 loss trade: -1 468.45
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 3 (3 670.79) consecutive losses ($): 1 (-1 468.45)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 3 670.79 (3) consecutive loss (count): -1 468.45 (1)
Average consecutive wins: 3 consecutive losses: 1